Homeopathy (or Homoeopathy) is a more than 200-year old form of alternative medicine that stimulates a healing response and strengthens the body’s ability to heal itself. It is a holistic system of medicine based on the Law of Similars (like cures like) and Law of Nature.
Ancient medical wisdom, as well as Hippocratic writings, speaks of two diverse principles of treating diseases:
1. Contraria Contrariis Curantur (Latin) – opposites are cured by opposites. This principle teaches to treat disease by using medicines that produce opposite effects.
2. Similia Similibus Curentur (Latin) – let similar things take care of similar things.
Hippocrates (Father of Medicine) was of the belief that “Through the like, the disease is produced, and through the application of the like it is cured.”
The word ‘Homeopathy’ is derived from two Greek words hómoios (similar) and páthos (suffering). Thus, in Homeopathy natural diseases are treated with substances that produce effects similar to the suffering. This helps stimulate the body’s own healing response to disease, using specially prepared, highly diluted preparations.
Homeopathy is a recognized medical system in India through the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. Homeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced almost all over the world. In India, it is a household name owing to the safety of its pills and the gentleness of its cure.
The system has blended well into the ethos and traditions of the country and it has been recognized as one of the National Systems of Medicine. A rough study states that about 10% of the Indian population solely depend on Homoeopathy for their Health care needs and is considered as the second most popular system of medicine in the Country.